My Mission
My mission is to INSPIRE and CONNECT with those of a similar mind. To show people how to use their voice and to live in alignment and abundance, to show and help people clear unknown blockages and call in the life of their dreams. The black sheeps, the odd ones out, the weirdos, the ones who stand in their power no matter the cost, the ones who work different, who think different and can not be programmed. The ones who are beautifuly unique and fascinating in the most weird and wonderfull ways.
I truely believe in leading by example and being the change you wish to see. I believe in being your authentic true self, because when you do that, it gives others permission to do so too.
Through connecting with others, Travel, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Energy Healing, Counselling, Giving others access to my authentic mind, Interviews & Podcasts, through simply USING MY VOICE and BEING MYSELF I hope to give people the final push to step into their best and highest self, to say FUCK YOU to what does not align, to help them find the confidence and self trust within them to take the risks and chances to be their very BEST.
When I rise we all rise, when I win we all win. I want you to WIN. I want you to be your happiest, healthiest, wealthiest version of yourself. I want you to BE THE GLITCH in the matrix, in not only the system but in YOUR system.
This website is an extension of who I am, what I do and what I love.
I hope you find something useful from it and please don't be afraid to reach out and connect with me.

Who Am I?
Welcome to a glimpse into my wonderful world.​..
I am a very very typical Sagittarius, FREEDOM, ADVENTURE and SPEAKING MY TRUTH are my highest values. I have lived an extremely full life for my age of 29 and have experienced the true polarities of what this matrix has to offer. I am a gypsy, I'm always moving around and doing the most incredible and amazing things. I gain inspiration and ideas through new people, places and things, being out in the world absorbing it all, connecting, feeling, learning, experiencing constantly.
I am most known for speaking my truth, standing up for what I believe in and standing in my power no matter the cost. I am known for being "lucky" having manifested the wildest things, people, money,
You'd never guess it but I have always been the black sheep! A bit weird and have always been very very outspoken about my beliefs and what I think is right. The way that I would explain my childhood is just feeling very out of place, almost like an alien who landed on the wrong planet. I think that because of feeling like that, I have always been so intrigued by people, fascinated about what makes people so unique. From my early 20's I always knew I wanted to help people and tried many different modalities over the years, but I found the way I helped and inspired people the most was just through being ME - a very vocal and not ashamed, sharing my lessons, dreams and ideas with others.
I also have a deep passion for Hypnotherapy & NLP, Product Development, Online Businesses, Survival, Youtube/ Podcasts, Courses/ Programs, Alternative Health. I don't think I could ever stick to just one thing, there are just so many things to do and see in this big wide world.​
At the core I am a lover, when I rise everyone rises with me. I will give the shirt off my back if someone needs it more than me but yet have learnt how to have healthy boundaries. I think this comes from having such a beautiful, loving and giving network where I have been shown so much love by even strangers. What goes around comes around and I truely believe in leading by example and being the change you wish to see.​
I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about who I am and I look forward to connecting soon.
Much love,
Rhani Green xx